• Pardon the dust while the boys rebuild the site.

    The board will be in a state of disarray as I get things sorted out, for a little while at least.

    The new incarnation is using Xenforo as the system software. It is much like what we are used to, with a few differences. I will see about making a FAQ to help point out the differences for the members.


    One IMPORTANT difference for all of us old timers is that the 'mail' system is replaced with what are called 'conversations'/

    There is no 'Inbox' or 'Out box' or 'Sent' folders anymore.

    Think of Conversations as private 'threads' or topics that don't exist in a forum, that you start with another member. NOTE: Conversations can include more than one member if you or someone else in the conversaion, likes.
    Takes a little getting used to but I am sure you all can get a hang of it.


    Only a slightly modified default default Xenforo style is available for now. Once the new SAG style is ready it will be available.

    All existing users should be able to login with their usernames and passwords once the site goes up.


    If anyone has difficulties logging in please contact me at sixthvanguard@gmail.com.


    Thank you for your support and patience. I know it has been a loooong road.

Search results

  1. O

    Need some odd Russian Army info

    There were Red Army motorcyclists, but there were many more cavalrymen. Recce is a traditional role of cavalry and horses were better suited to the steppes than motorcycles. Its true the Red Army was a forage army, but it was not a primitive army. No army used the land better than the Red...
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    Gurkha on patrol

    Agreed. This is an outstanding figure. A subject deserving widespread commerical release.
  3. O

    Ilya redone

    You are right, you gotta love the DML Russians. Without question the best line of figures ever produced. Like what you did with the head sculpt. DML's flesh tones of late remind me of a recently opened can of tuna fish - which is disturbing to say the least. I think the next bit of...
  4. O

    DiD US 82nd Airborne

    "if the figure is not your cup of Joe" An instant 1/6th classic!!!!
  5. O

    BBI-Custom Craft eBay Exclusive!

    Doing the math on how better you can spend your hobby buck is pointless. For that matter, save the $100.00 and feed your family for a week. This figure is a limited run, with a price tag that may or may not recoup the tooling cost. These things are not cobbled out of thin air - there are...
  6. O

    Nebelwerfer Questions....

    DiD got the rocket right. I rechecked, the five-tubed launcher is 21-cm. The six-tubed launcher is 15-cm. Several books in my library mislabed the six-shooter as 21-cm. Just happened to be the first three books I grabbed. My bad.
  7. O

    Nebelwerfer Questions....

    As I was researching the Nebelwerfer, I came across some interesting information. The 21-cm Wurfgranate 42 - the DiD Nebel - rocket looked like a conventional artillery projectile. The rocket included with the DiD Nebel is actually the rocket for the 15-cm Wurfgranate 41. This was the version...
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    DiD US 82nd Airborne

    After reading your post, I'm guessing you have an issue with this figure's head sculpt?
  9. O

    DML 6th Anniversary Figure Info...

    If Dragon produces 1/6th heavy weapons, their options are limited. What exactly can they produce for approx $100.00 with a double-figure box size limitation? I'm building a US halftrack, so I'd love to see a towed quad-.50 mount - that I could later modify for my own purposes. Any guess as to...
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    DML 6th Anniversary Figure Info...

    What Dragon did with the 20mm FLaK was tap into a vertical market, within a vertical market. This product was not meant for general 1/6th hobby consumption. This was a bone thrown directly to customizers and vehicle owners. I for one am grateful as heck. The hundreds of hours that Dragon...
  11. O

    Leather Shoes, the Next Industry Standard Upgrade?

    I'm curious, what DiD boots did you find "lacking" Surely you don't mean the tropical ankle boots that came with the pioneer. I have two pair of those beauties, for a mass-produced item, they are the crown jewels of my collection. Futhermore, I can't believe you think any sort of DAK footwear...
  12. O

    Leather Shoes, the Next Industry Standard Upgrade?

    Remember the great plastic webbing debate? Can you even imagine paying top dollar now for plastic webbing - or leggings? Elastic and velcro also went the way of the Dodo. Are plastic shoes next? The question is interesting because DiD's basic Russian comes with leather shoes. Will DML...
  13. O

    Allies Don't Sell...tell that to Josh

    According to some, if you don't have your Josh by now - you may never have one. This is not because of some quirky DML marketing strategy or a "limited run" thing. Josh was a regular run figure that the hobby had a strong demand for. Not so strange considering the number of RC Stuarts flying...
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    Atlanta DX 05 Anecdotes

    If the time stamp on Jepy's post is any indicator (4:28am) the picture is probably in perfect focus.
  15. O

    Getting it Right by Doing it Wrong

    Just about herniaed myself threading Josh Ackerman's goggles into his helmet. After I was finished, I looked up his goggles in a reference book. Darn, those things had an elastic strap in real life! Just could have popped that bad boy on and been done with it. Did DML forgo the elastic strap...
  16. O

    U-Boat Commanders' Cap Color

    Brian, Histoire & Collection put out a book on U-Boot uniforms awhile back. Same format as my Afrikakorps book - well done. I think its out of print now, check out an online dealer if you are serious - or borrow my uncut version of Das Boot. You'll see enough sweaty German sailors in tight...
  17. O

    The Company Clerk

    Only a small percentage of a rifle division had the MOS of "rifleman" Most of the division was support troops. This is a fine tribute to them. The master modeling skills demonstrated here are extraordinary. Thank you for posting this incredible work.
  18. O

    M2 Mid-Production (WIP - Riveting)

    SixthVan, you are right. The M2 was assembled with a round-headed sloted bolt. (rivet was a term of convenience) I can only imagine what a real M2 must have sounded like after a couple of miles of off-country driving. There is a problem working with M2 period photos, because the body plates...
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    M2 Mid-Production (WIP - Riveting)

    Here is the first completed side of my M2 I am using brass plated "escutcheon nails" #18 x 3/4 - 1-1/2oz, sounds pretty fancy, but I just picked them up at my local Target store for 99 cents a box. I nip off the head of the nail plus an 1/8th of an inch (give or take) with a heavy duty wire...
  20. O

    Field Repairs - Russia 1943

    It simply does not get any better than this. I wish "some where in Russia" was some where in my back yard. This is museum quality stuff and deserves a spot in Bovington IMHO.