Amber Panzerbunny
To be a girl.
Seriously it's not a joke.
I also build 1/48th tanks and planes and I must say on Track48 they are terrifc towards me and don't treat me like I'm stupid.
A few years back I went to Hannants in Collingdale, London. I usually go with my partner coz he does 48th too. (That is how we met at a model club, I was going out with his best mate at the time and he invited me along, he thought it would be great to have a female modeller as a member. [I was doing Star Wars kits and other science fiction models] )
Sorry I digressed. Anyway in Hannants I asked a question about a Bf109 E4..I wanted some etch for it and the guy behind the counter replied to Matt! Unbelievable.
I've also had customers when I worked in a model shop ask to speak to the manager about a kit rather than me. He turned round and said don't ask me..she's the one who knows about planes and ships.
Back to the present.
I have found the assistants in Modellers Loft a breath of fresh air and always listen to my requests or quiries.
Unfortunately on a couple of other sites to do with 6th scale I have been ignored even when one of my questions was simple.
(I'll ask some of you soon and mebbe you can help me?)
Anyhow I'm not bitching. I just want to illustrate what a struggle I have sometimes.
Amber X X X
Seriously it's not a joke.
I also build 1/48th tanks and planes and I must say on Track48 they are terrifc towards me and don't treat me like I'm stupid.
A few years back I went to Hannants in Collingdale, London. I usually go with my partner coz he does 48th too. (That is how we met at a model club, I was going out with his best mate at the time and he invited me along, he thought it would be great to have a female modeller as a member. [I was doing Star Wars kits and other science fiction models] )
Sorry I digressed. Anyway in Hannants I asked a question about a Bf109 E4..I wanted some etch for it and the guy behind the counter replied to Matt! Unbelievable.
I've also had customers when I worked in a model shop ask to speak to the manager about a kit rather than me. He turned round and said don't ask me..she's the one who knows about planes and ships.
Back to the present.
I have found the assistants in Modellers Loft a breath of fresh air and always listen to my requests or quiries.
Unfortunately on a couple of other sites to do with 6th scale I have been ignored even when one of my questions was simple.
(I'll ask some of you soon and mebbe you can help me?)
Anyhow I'm not bitching. I just want to illustrate what a struggle I have sometimes.
Amber X X X