• Pardon the dust while the boys rebuild the site.

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DML's return to 1/6th


Posted on 6D, OSW boards that DML is returning to 1/6th with a facebook announcement 8 days ago. No details as of yet. I hope this is true. Would really like new figure and vehicle releases. Thoughts?
I sure hope that is the case with Dragon making new figures. Also hope that they will be reasonably priced. Once a single figure set went above the $125 range, I just couldn't afford or justify buying any more of them. Even at $125 for the DID figures, I only purchased a couple of select figures. Would have liked to have bought some of the Captain American Hot Toys figures, but couldn't bring myself to do it.

The AZ Joeheads have this conversation from time to time and it is always the same thing. What could Dragon produce that would pry open your wallets and spill some money towards them? I have not bought any 1/6 stuff in quite some time and it is because I have most everything that I wanted from the earlier releases be it from Dragon or other makers. I would still be excited for some Allied radio equipment or engineer equipment but other than that I have enough stuff to keep me going for some time. I already got a Firefly from an old Viper Sherman so that isn't even a lure for me. What is your wish list and would Dragon even attempt to do it or will it be a endless parade of German Figures that everybody has multiples of already?

Jeff (Geppetto):!:
I would appreciate it if Dragon were to produce figures that are more out of the ordinary. There is a lack of Allied Naval personnel, Japanese figures have been rare and/or expensive. If memory is correct, Italian forces in North Africa have not been done. There has always been a shortage of North African SAS figures and Allied tanker crews.

Sure would appreciate carded accessory sets for all combatants that are reasonably priced.

Would not be interested in ordinary German figures or more US Ranger figures. On the plus side, it is good news hear of a company coming back into 1/6th scale.

I suspect we’ll see $50 packs of gear. Enough to build a figure just without all the packaging or nude figure. All until they blow out a bunch of stored up inventory. Basically what we saw with Cyber Hobby recently. If that’s the case...Yawn!
The AZ Joeheads have this conversation from time to time and it is always the same thing. What could Dragon produce that would pry open your wallets and spill some money towards them? I have not bought any 1/6 stuff in quite some time and it is because I have most everything that I wanted from the earlier releases be it from Dragon or other makers. I would still be excited for some Allied radio equipment or engineer equipment but other than that I have enough stuff to keep me going for some time. I already got a Firefly from an old Viper Sherman so that isn't even a lure for me. What is your wish list and would Dragon even attempt to do it or will it be a endless parade of German Figures that everybody has multiples of already?

Jeff (Geppetto):!:
I'm in the same position as you (albeit without a Firefly). My collection of figures is pretty much complete and I have enough figures and kits to last me sevaral years.
If the Firefly is released I'll buy that since it will save me converting a Sherman kit (in storage) to a Firefly. They also announced a Schwimmwagen kit some years ago which I would like also.
Personally I would be more interested in model kits than figures although some allied specialist figures (i.e. radio-operator, engineers and tankers) would be welcome.
Glad to see Dragon returning. I also agree that I would like to see some different items in kit form. I can't afford the pre-built ones. I would also like to see a U.S. 57 mm gun (and ammo carrier). A German tank would be nice like maybe a Hetzer since it is basically a chassis, wheels and a gun. They wouldn't have a turret to make. Some Japanese stuff would also be nice like radios and a small artillery piece.
I want them to continue the Soldat Series (we only got five of those) so long as they are well equipped, complete, and come with a minimum of pleather.
Anything from Dragon is welcomed. I loved them then and love them now. I use only their bodies for my figures. I always felt that they provided very nice miniatures, many times not perfect, but that is the way 1/6 is. I got rid of many "lesser parts" alomg the way, but have only had a couple of disappointments of parts degenerating to rubbish from DML. From DID I have thrown away EASILY over $500 in loose parts of their so called "better leather pieces".
And if they release a Firefly I hope everyone that has bashed them over the last 15 years asks for forgiveness! :)
I would like the Schwimmwagen model kit and possible a Horch. German Panzer crew would be welcome but not the usual black clad Panzer wraps more reed green and Stug or Aufclarüngs crew or Panzer Lehr troops
The one new item on the table is a zeltbahn in splinter B pattern camo - an item that never existed, but which they previously got right before.
The one new item on the table is a zeltbahn in splinter B pattern camo - an item that never existed, but which they previously got right before.

This is an older pattern item("Uwe" I believe), post "Wolf" where they originally got it correct...DML didn't take the criticism well as always and repeated mistake on their winter smocks lol anyways, DML have been releasing sets of the older figs minus the bodies thru CyberHobby as carded sets, prices ranging from $50-$80. Looks like they are going to get into accessory sets from the new preview, all previously released items sans the new paintjob on the MG34 and MP44. Will be nice to have access to some of this older stuff, to be able to get a K98 for under $10.00 again at the loose parts dealers would be a bonus lol
It’s like the good old days, Dragon posts a vague preview & we all speculate what we want to see. Some of the comments on Facebook are ridiculous. Beyond the usual “no more Germans” (lol, we’ll get more Germans) we get “how about a panther” or “a 155mm cannon kit.” My favorite are the requests for obscure subjects like Hungarian ww2 or French Indo-China. We all know we’re getting Germans.

Whether it’s new combinations of old stock or existing models kits, I personally am not expecting anything ground breaking. Now we find out the initial info and it’s weapons collections. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if they give us something new & innovative. Unfortunately for them, they flooded the market for years and we’re all spoiled by the days of $50 complete figures.
I never expected Dragon or any other maker produce anything but allot of Germans. They sell really well and that is a fact. My concern is always going to be that if and when Dragon does make a effort to come back into the market that they become disappointed when they don't do as well as they hoped. Does the market need a influx of parts and pieces, I am sure it does. Would a company coming back into the game be a good thing, YES. Will Dragon spend allot of cash and create something that may or may not be a hit with a vast majority of collectors? The French commando or Polish cavalry trooper isn't going to be high on their list but a German with camo and a stick grenade will probably sell quite well. Do I need another German........NO! I stopped buying the DID version of Germans a while back and unless they possess a unique piece of gear (Radio, ect.) I won't be picking them up either. Javier at War Toys will get collections in and I have grabbed some items like a Goliath and odds and ends but I just don't need more of the same stuff. I will watch what they do with keen interest but I do not hold out hope that a Firefly or other large kits will be introduced as they do need to recoup their costs and with the hobby being as Nitche as it has become I am not sure they could. Hope for the best fella's.

Jeff (Geppetto)
For a kit, my dream piece would be a 1/6 scale Long Tom 155 mm. Doubt anyone will ever make that happen. A 105 mm howitzer would be next in line.

I expect the M3 would actually be doable as a resin kit or assembled since they've done a 105mm Howitzer in resin before. It would be a pretty neat and not totally unrealistic item to see again, maybe with a US paratrooper or marine release.