• Pardon the dust while the boys rebuild the site.

    The board will be in a state of disarray as I get things sorted out, for a little while at least.

    The new incarnation is using Xenforo as the system software. It is much like what we are used to, with a few differences. I will see about making a FAQ to help point out the differences for the members.


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    Thank you for your support and patience. I know it has been a loooong road.

Project - 'Fallschirmjager'


Company Commander
G'day all...

Whilst I've posted pics of next Feb's model show theme covering WW2 snipers, there is also a second model show next November (the traditional month for them). With that in-mind, preliminary work is being done to pull together all the stuff I need to plan the 19 vignettes required for the story of the German Fallschirmager. Unlike previous shows this one will focus not on one battle but will cover the FJR during the whole war so all the varying dress and equipment including larger weapons will have to be covered in order to tell it all accurately. So, having dusted off all the old DML FJR releases, taken off the shelves all the boxed figures (including the recent DiD purchases bought just for this story) and a crap-load of bits and pieces; all of which I've squirreled away over the past several years I've enough to assemble some 75 figures that'll be required to fit-out all the scenes.

Much more to follow on this one which I won't really start until early next year but I couldn't help myself today and began work on one scene featuring a line-up of paras getting their final fitting prior to emplaning, a sergeant noticing the injury-causing additions to one para who thinks he can land with his weapon as opposed to taking the chance to retrieve it from a container (another pose, this one taken from an Osprey 'Men-at-arms' title on German airborne troops). It's coming together nicely but won't post any more pics 'til she's completed. Enjoy, Steve


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So, that's where all the loose FJ stuff has disappeared to....

Looking good. Can't wait to see the finished stuff.
haha, yeah - sorry about that but you can be rest assured I won't be needing any more and that, post show, I'll probably look to sell most of it. Making some good progress on the figures to-date however will not post 'til completion. Cheers, Steve
G'day all,

One of the smaller vignettes of the FJR story will focus on its "father" - General Kurt Student. I was going to replicate an illustration from the Osprey 'Men-at-arms' title on German airborne troops where he's presenting an iron cross to a major in the FJR's unique parade dress. But then I thought I could also utilise a figure that i've had on the shelf for years but never taken out to assemble (nor envisage a need to as the years ticked by) - the inept head of the Luftwaffe - Herman Goring to which the FJR was a formation of. The third officer is just a composite (DiD largely). In order to make the figures similar in appearance I chose to use DiD bodies to match the 3R figures of Student and Goring. For the scene's base I'll use thick-grade sandpaper to resemble a gravel parade ground. Enjoy, Steve


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G'day all,

With the sniper series complete, it's time to get back into this November's diorama plan - Project - 'Fallschirmjager' (though Project - 'Green Devil' would've had a better ring to it, I reckon, in hindsight).

During the past few months, my mind's been spinning not only with the 20-odd scenes required of this one, but those of next year's USMC in the Pacific and 2024's salute to D-Day (the 80th anniversary year)...but back to the FJR.

The story of the German airborne during World War Two is indeed a very interesting one and one that I hope will reflect well in the various scenes (done in narrative timeline order) and supporting text panels.

Research of course plays a major part in order to get everything just so and, as with previous years, my book collection has grown as a result. The superb 3-Volume set on the FJR by collector Karl Veltze is similar in style to LTC (Ret.) John R. Angola's 4-volume tome covering the U.S. Airborne during the war - Heroes in our midst - and like Angola's set which I relied on heavily for my 2019 series on the 'Screaming Eagles' in Normandy, I'm hoping Veltze' series will do likewise in gearing-up my FJR figures (which will figure - so to speak - at around 75 in-total).

Of course, the many Osprey titles will play their part in terms of uniform detailing and books concerning the battles fought (centring on Crete for my main diorama) and supporting weapons/vehicles will not only have text panels with the diorama but a whole information board on the pinnacle German airborne battle of Crete.

Over the w/end, I tore apart my workshop in order to make space for the sniper scenes (the game of textrus goes on) and pulling out all the bits and bobs required for the FJR story and brought them all forward for ease of access with particular attention to what I've used in the past that I can re-purpose and new items. I have been tinkering with a few ideas (previous entries to this thread) so I've a reasonable lead and all scenes completed will be posted on this thread also...

I guess there's nothing more to be said than on I press. Cheers, Steve


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Very good collection of figures and incredible collection of books... I don't know which of the two I like more?
Concur regards books and figures...I think I have way too many of both but, as I'm sure many in the SAG can attest, the books contribute greatly as a reference to getting it right.

Cheers Jaime, this is my first rendition of the scene though not happy with the size of the helmet to headsculpt nor the collared shirt/tie worn underneath the smock (both too oversized for my liking)...I intend to rectify both for the final product.

Looking forward to seeing this project. It's one of my favorite subjects.

Like the rest of you, I've accumulated quite the library to go with the stack of figures.
G'day all,

Hope everyone's travelling well?. Just a quick update on the production of this years Fallschirmjager series. I've sort of got several diorama details going on at once with the intention to work on all the larger pieces prior to commencing the figures that'll accompany them.

The Donkey and the panniers will used in a vignette covering the defence of Italy (along with a mortar scene depicting Cassino). Artillery will cover several scenes, the PAK36 w/steilgranate - Normandy, the PAK38 - Eastern Front, the panzerschreck - Holland (an attempt to recreate a famous photo of a group of paratroopers walking past a knocked-out Sherman) and with no scene for them, I intend to just cover the two 'squeeze gun' pieces - the LG40 and PzB 41 - as part of airborne artillery and weapons designed for the airborne forces.

Two kettenkrads will feature this one, the standard Sd.Kfz .2 (which will be towing a Flak 38 w/trailer) and the 2/1 cable layer (Eastern Front). Drop containers were a necessary feature and I plan to use four. One (that shown full) will be the centrepiece of the Crete story as, amongst the turmoil of that battle, a sergeant will be shouting out to others to come on and grab a rifle whilst surrounded by dead and wounded paras and an MG34 gunners propped-up against a stone wall (such as the inner workings of my head vividly detail). Another will have a radio fit-out (that with the lightning bolt emblem), another will feature in the mid-war dark yellow finish whilst the fourth (shown at the rear in its inaccurate DML light blue colour) will be used to show a container prior to loading with chute and absorber.

More pics to follow but it's all coming along nicely at the moment. Aside from the models, I'm also concurrently working on the narrative for the supporting information panels.

Enjoy, Steve


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And the Krad work in progress pics. You might recall the camo version from my 2018 and 2019 offerings. I thought it high time to repaint the camo in more accurate blurred edge as opposed to the sharp lines it previously had (which always gnawed at me).


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Man, you really have a huge amount of awesome stuff. Have these been in your collection, or are you finding them as you need them. I ask because some items, like the donkey/mule sets I haven't seen in the wild for quite some time.

Totally looking forward to Fallschirmjager project progress!!
Cheers all for the kind comments,

In answer to your last. I've had the majority of the items since their initial release in the early years of the 21st Century - sitting on the shelves boxed ever since waiting for their 'time to shine'. whilst other objects, such as the pannier baskets for the donkey, I've searched high and low for over the past several years and only found last year via E Bay.

Online stores specialising in 1/6th (such as the grand 'Monkey Depot' and 'Wartoys') have been my go-to, particularly over the past couple of years in terms of uniform/equipment items required to fit-out the last remaining twenty or so of the 70-odd fallschirmjager required in-total.

Fortunately, I first got the idea back in 2014 after purchasing a 2008 book by Histoire & Collections titled 'Fallschirmjager in action figures' which told the story of the FJR in action figure form (largely by the use of DML figures); the book was a sequel to the H&C title '12-Inch action figures'. This has given me a lot of time in-between to source the desired bits and pieces to tell the story right covering their role in the war in its entirety.

It wasn't until 2019, whilst doing another airborne story - the American 101st in Normandy - that I seriously put some effort in thinking about how I would tackle the FJR story.

Over the past couple of years, I've concentrated on uniform parts in order to have enough kit to fit-out the 70-odd fallschirmjager required.

No doubt they'll make another showing in 2024 when I put together my planned 2024 series covering D-Day where they'll share table space with American and British paras.

Cheers again, Steve
G'day all,

Has been quite awhile since my last post on this theme; however, I've falled behind schedule which is unusual for me but that's just the unusual way this year has, to-date, gone. I reckon I'm up to only 15% of what I desire of Project 'Fallschirmajer'. But not to worry as I've realised that this year marks the 50th Anniversary of our local model club (ACTSMS) and, as a result, I've decided to go for a Plan 'B' - a scene or part thereof from each of my eight past shows at ScaleACT (see my new thread - Project - 'Showcase').

As for the German airborne, do not fear. I'll have more than enough time up my sleeve to get them ready to drop in on ScaleACT 2023 and because it's only postponed and not cancelled means I'll leave this post open. Attached are some more recent pics - the Kettenkrad cable variant is finished but I've no pics of its completed state but here are some under construction. This vehicle, cable assembly frame and trailer were fun to detail in Tamiya snow effect and lends great to the intended winter scene (so much so that I was sure to get frostbite from it).

Also, I decided to upgrade my old DML CHE 'Radl' and 'Steiner' figures from the movie tie-in 'The Eagle has Landed' which will open the diorama series. Lastly, some original FJR objects that'll form part of the historic display which, as of 2019, is now something that accompanies my 1/6th scale themes.

Enjoy, Steve


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Additionally, I've been fortunate to track down a period 'Signal' Magazine which features an article on FJR posterboy of the time - famed boxer turned paratrooper - Max Schmeling which DiD brought out as a figure a while back. With the figure in a pose replicating a propaganda photo taken of Schmeling and the magazine (similar to the pic seen here) it should make a nice vignette.


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G'day all,

Sure has been awhile so thought I'd better post some recent builds pertaining to this year's model project on the German Fallschirmjager.

Of all the scenes planned, three will focus on the pinnacle battle for Crete - the first and last large scale strategic airborne assault of the Fallschirmjager (and for that matter any airborne force). It's a battle that should've gone the Allies way in so many ways (and in so many interesting facets that I'd be here all day trying to cover in-detail.

Suffice to say, the battle turned into German success through Allied ineptitude enhanced by communications failure and mis-understanding quite early in the battle which was brought about not only by this revolutionary form of warfare (which by May 1941 was not so new nor revolutionary and a type of insertion expected no less by the Allied high command) which was to be a prelude to a threat from the sea which was actually miniscule in comparison to the parachute and air-landing formations designated.

...the first of the three scenes covers the emplaning detail: the seven hastily-built dustbowl airfields in Greece from where the morning flights to Crete (some two hours in duration) took off from. I wanted to convey the 'gear-up' aspects of the German paratrooper in its various stages of assembly.


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The paratrooper second-in from the left features a unit-made weapon carry-all for his MP40 SMG and has strapped his magazine pouches for it to his ankles. This was against standing orders as such a fitting risked injury upon landing (it was risky enough as it was); however, period pics do show such an arrangement of carriage during the Crete operation.

I decided to use fuel drums as a backdrop to illustrate that this was how the aircraft were fuelled-up on those airfields - by handcranked pump from fuel drums, a time dependent operation that was to push groundcrews and even paratroopers awaiting the second wave to the limit given the hot weather in the Med at the time.

It was this method of fuelling that was to impact greatly on the afternoon second wave in-particular and compounded by rising dust from the props of the Ju52s let to not only delayed takeoff but a piecemeal arrival which in itself impacted greatly on co-ordination and rallying once on the ground in Crete.


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The second diorama covering Crete (the largest of the three) illustrates the chaos once on the ground as paratroopers (expecting light resistance) dropped amongst a hodge-podge of British and Dominion units far exceeding the numbers stated by German intelligence. The result was heavy casualties and none of the four main objectives seized by nightfall...it was at this crucial juncture that the Allies, had they'd known the true extent of the German situation, could've launched several counter-attacks during the night (before daybreak where the full might of the Luftwaffe could again intervene via close air support) and rid the remainder...it was not to be due to reasons already touched-upon.

Here a sergeant (the focal point of the scene) turns to his rear in order to rally the survivors nearby whilst others gather weapons from the few drop containers recovered (Most could not be got after hitting the ground due to the pressure of the Allied defence - an achilles heel of the German paratrooper who could only rely on his sidearm and perhaps a grenade until he could reach a container to grab his assigned rifle or machine gun).


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