Sixth Vanguard
Board Flunky, aka Site Admin
It has been a long time since we have done a figure contest so let's have one.
Entry cutoff is 11:59:59 PM GMT November 11, 2011.
Judging to commence November 12, 2011.
Results November 13, 2011.
Contest Prizes
Contest Rules
Rules are down right simple:
To Submit an Entry
Post a new topic in this forum. It will not be displayed until a moderator has cleared it as a valid entry. If there are any problems with the entry you will be notified an asked to correct it.
Topics will be locked until the contest judging is complete and winners announced at which time entries will be opened for members to add comments..
Entry cutoff is 11:59:59 PM GMT November 11, 2011.
Judging to commence November 12, 2011.
Results November 13, 2011.
Contest Prizes
- "Bragging Rights"
- Board Medals for winners and participants
Contest Rules
Rules are down right simple:
- No more than two figure in the pictures. You may enter up to two entries but only one may win.
- Subject from anytime and any theater during WWII (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) NO political types allowed. Combat Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen only. Nationality unrestricted.
- Max of 4 pics per entry. Only 1 may be altered or 'shopped for effect. Figures pose, kit stays the same for each photo. Background, photo editing or base not given consideration in judging.
- Work must be yours, and something that has not been shown or posted before.
To Submit an Entry
Post a new topic in this forum. It will not be displayed until a moderator has cleared it as a valid entry. If there are any problems with the entry you will be notified an asked to correct it.
Topics will be locked until the contest judging is complete and winners announced at which time entries will be opened for members to add comments..
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